Hey guys,
First of all,
what an amazing community here! I understand airsoft isn't legal, but isn't quite illegal either, so it's fantastic there's this huge community where people interested can ask other people 'in the know'.
Now, this might sound a little strange, but bear with me if you could.
I'm looking for a beginner's M4, but I care not about shooting BB's...*at all*. I think it's neat, yeah, but I appreciate just the aesthetics of the model itself.
So what I'm looking for is:
- Something that resembles the weight, size and appearance as much as possible, but also is clear with an orange tip
- Has other knobs and levers on the weapon (such as safety, magazine release, etc.)
- Maybe something that doesn't cost a whole lot
- And again, characteristics geared towards shooting BB's (ie. FPS, accuracy) are not important, though considered a bonus!
So a glorified toy, somewhat. I've found a
DPMS A17 M4 Carbine here at
http://airgunsource.com for $99.98 CAD. Looking at some YouTube clips of this thing, it seems to fit the bill.

So a few questions:
- Is that an OK website to get this gun at? As in, no issues with shipping or Canadian laws, as far as anyone knows?
- I've heard the term 'crapsoft'. I think this is one of those, seeing as it's clear, with the orange tip and all?
- I've been reading the 'newbie' forums here, and it's still somewhat unclear to me. http://007airsoft.com has items which state, "All items sold on this website conform to Canadian regulations and laws. You must be 18+ years old to buy an Airsoft gun". But the guns themselves are not clear, with an orange tip (which I believe is an American thing). If that doesn't matter, why even have these clear/orange tipped airsoft guns?
I'm interested in safety above all. I want to make sure that whatever AEG I get is plastic with an orange tip to ensure it's not mistaken for a real firearm. But I also understand my actions and how I use this AEG matters most to safety and potential misunderstanding.
Thanks for all your guys' help, and keep up the awesome work here!