Thread: JG H&K 416
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Old August 18th, 2008, 13:33   #21
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Calgary
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I'd say base your decision on how much you like the look of the HK416. If you want one, JG is the way to go because the VFCs are just way too expensive and hard to find now that they've gone out of production. If you want an armalite in general, you can find better quality M4s for just a little bit more.

That being said I've heard JG HK416s perform well once tuned and shimmed properly. I've actually got one that was worked on by Tyson (m102404) and the thing fires beautifully. I have no idea how many rounds the previous owners put through it (both said it was very few and that it wasn't gamed) but it's holding up well for me. It sucks that you do have to open it up, replace a few things and reshim/regrease from day 1 but you can easily find one that has all that done for you.

My RAS was loose and the barrel was misaligned when I got mine but both were easy fixes. If the RAS is too loose, you can shim it with tape and it'll be snug and secure and you can't even notice. It's a bit sharp, nothing I'd get cut with but sharper than the rails on my old ICS M4A1 for sure.
JG HK416

Last edited by dpvu; August 18th, 2008 at 13:36..
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