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Old July 28th, 2008, 13:15   #6
safx's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Toronto, St. Clair West
What choo talkin' bout Willis?

The ICS and Systema PTW are the
only split mech's I know of that can
break open easily... and the upper
receiver does not pull away from the
upper mechbox, they slide out of the
tight receiver cavity.

I don't know if the KWA is able to
break ( push the upper receiver up
with the front pin installed, but all
the M4's I made in the past: CA, G&P
and Systema had thick mechboxes
so the upper had to slide into place.
TM stock abs ones barely rise over
the mech's and it's only because the
plastic can flex, and crack.
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