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Old July 18th, 2008, 13:13   #1
2 Cent Tactical
Cobrajr122's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: NB not responding to my emails

i hate doing this type of stuff, but it seems to be what gets the results, sadly.

I placed and order over 24 hours ago and sent the EMT along with the password and order number to the proper emails.

Around 6 hours past the placement of the order I sent an email asking what was taking so long to accept the EMT. i have yet to receive a response to that email or a second one I sent more recently.

As I said, I HATE doing this type of stuff. i can understand taking more then 1 business day to accept a payment, but the lack of response to my emails is concerning.

Sorry if I upset anyone, and just in case I went to town and grabbed one of these before posting this.

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