Thread: Gun Advise
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Old July 7th, 2008, 23:45   #6
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Next up is your DE Ak47, which claims to be a 100% TM clone and that is a good thing as if you ever wish to swap out parts are purchase additional magazines you can do so by purchasing those that are TM compatable without worry. Also, this model sports a metal body which is a good bonus.
I have this gun. Internally, it's held up well, seeing about 20 000 rounds (mostly in sustained auto bursts) and zero maintenance. The gun still fires flawlessly. However, the plastic is very weak and brittle. A fall from a few inches snapped the entire stock off, including part of the receiver. It's internals are compatible, as in the V3 mechbox and such. Receivers and stock aren't compatble. I can't confirm the hopup since I've never seen a TM AK hopup. I can't confirm one way or another if the front end is TM compatible or not. IMO, this gun is not a good choice.
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