Originally Posted by lekiboy
it's just an ordinary 6 inch suppressor- locally manufactured here in the philippines... but i saw a lot of good suppressors by King Arms and GNP - you can try them.
I'd get a foam filled Halo or Mode 2 if you can get your hands one. Functionality trumps all FTW.
VFC HK416D 14.5RS
Laylax Mode-2 Suppressor
Hurricane EOTech 551
RICO Alpha 9 Tactical Light
KM TN Teflon coated 6.04 barrel
Stock Gearbox
Systema Magnum Motor FTW!!!
Phantom Ciras
RS CAA 6 Position Retractable Stock
S Arms M4 160rd Midcap Magazines
Magpul PTS Enhanced Trigger Guard
Magpul PTS MIAD Grip Kit
Magpul Ranger Plates
NcStar Mark III Advance Tactical Compact Scope