Originally Posted by DONSTER 125
its like saying its easier to build a model car compared to a real car. they both look the same, but one drives people and the other barbie dolls.
the reason i think its a big deal s because making a 'uber l33t' death machine like a sten or a sterling or a expedient BPS SMG can be made in my garage beside my 2003 malibu. And i cant make a toy that shoots likke plastic spheres
I myself am in the process of getting the CFO to approve my project to build an AR15 receiver(Yes I have my restricted PAL)... It's actually rather simple since I'm gonna have it CNCd on a friend's torcam mill ... I probably wouldn't try "scratch" building an airsoft gun since most parts can be purchased.
(Oh and don't bother asking for the CAM/CAD files, Your not gonna get them...)
who did you have to kill to get a restricted pal? I'm in the process of getting my minor's possession license and a restricted license is some kind of magical feat to me. can you elaborate on the steps you took to get it a bit? And as much as i would like those plans, the only CNC i have access to is in my school shop.