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Old May 21st, 2008, 10:57   #153
Ouklae's Avatar
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Kingston, ON
Honestly if someone wants to dress in CADPAT or full gear for airsoft, I have no problem with that. It's their right, it does look a bit cool and I won't get my panties in a bunch over it. Anyone wearing it down the street because they think they're cool, I'll secretly chuckle in my head as I find people who dress like that are amusing in a 'sad' way...but I won't stop them nor be outraged.

However I do draw the line when it comes to insignia and ranks. Mainly because they are looking too much like an actual trained soldier that many people could mistake them for one. There's a fine line between looking similar, and looking identical. When you add real insignias and ranks, you're now dangerously close to the real thing. Within and arisoft game, I could tolerate it (as much as I don't like it) but might inform them that they shouldn't leave the area dressed like that since they shouldn't walk around dressed completely like a soldier. First someone could give them trouble for impersonating a soldier/officer, second other CF members could be offended or outraged, third people could mistake them as a soldier very easy, and finally any actions they do will reflect on the CF even though they're not involved in it. The last one is most important. If someone dressed like a soldier went around being very unprofessional, it will not look good on the CF.

Anyway I ramble on. Long story short, dressing in CADPAT for these events are alright, wearing it in the civie world makes you look foolish...wearing real insignia and ranks is inappropriate as more could actually mistake you as a soldier...and it's not really fair to those who actually have it.
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