This entire thread just makes me chuckle. I remember my first couple of years in the Forces to. I had a hard on for any civvie I saw wearing combat pants cut off into shorts let alone wearing rank and skill badges. I think this mindset is drilled into you from the very beggining that you are special and that the long haired dope smoking sons of jesus are out there to fuck with you and mock you. If anything allot of airsofters really enjoy the "dress up" factor and getting every detail just right from a certain unit. There is nothing wrong with that at all. Personally I am entitled to wear several U.S skill tabs on top of my Canadian ones but I dont feel the need to bash anyone for wearing them to a fucking airsoft game. Now I do see some people wearing the ranger tab and my blood does run a bit hot but in the end I really dont give a fuck, it's a game, period. Pointe finale. move on guy's there are more important problems out there in this world. Like why isnt steak and blow job day announced on the radio so that my wife will believe me that it really exists. Just my two cents worth lads, but take it from an old fucker like me, this shit is trivial at best.