OK so I've been hounding the local and not so local gun docs with this question without any real luck, so I thought that I would open these question to the forum. if anybody has any solution for this common problems please let me know. I've done the research, I've used search, done google and trolled other forums but with no luck. I quess I'm looking for anybody that has any fill valves that I can buy. And checked ebay also esecially ehobby.
I'm fixing up a bunch of mags for a friend that have alot of bad seals on the bottom fill valve and having a hard time finding replacements. Does anybody have any reccomendations as to what valve's I can use? And if anybody has any spare ones or somewhere I can buy them.
I need to find valves for:
KSC USP .45 and compact
WA M92
I have found various fill valves but I think that they need to match the exact mag rather than 1 generic valve for all mags
Or can somebody think of using a trick to seal the valve better. I've been toying with teflon tape and hot glue gun but with no real luck.