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Old May 3rd, 2008, 00:15   #3
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Toronto, Ontario

Still need a weapon. Since I have sold all my AEGs in the fall. Mp7 are just too expensive for me so I might just stick to the cat gun.

Have that shitsoft MP7 still from that old thread. I put foil tape on the sides to emulate the HL:2 look.

Can't figure out where to put the mystery grenade launcher or useless red dot though. The springer clocks in at a blazing 100-120 fps

How do I made game safe? (actually, the googles are a perfect seal around the mask, I wonder if I would be allowed to game this way.)

Here is my game safe baton. It's a different design then the stun batons but I prefer this type. Again, I wonder how many hosts would allow this. Since I don't have an AEG at the moment It's my only weapon. (Cat-Gun shoots beyond the FPS limit of furballs)

I was screwing around with a green screen a week ago using some of the parts I had then. It's was just me screwing around so It doesn't make any sense.

Last edited by Moz; May 3rd, 2008 at 00:54..
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