Western Arms M4 CQB-R GBB
It my new grail gun... I must have it. Has anyone purchased one and why have you not posted a review yet.
YouTube - Redwolf Airsoft - New Western Arms M4 CQB-R with Blowback
VFC HK416D 14.5RS
Laylax Mode-2 Suppressor
Hurricane EOTech 551
RICO Alpha 9 Tactical Light
KM TN Teflon coated 6.04 barrel
Stock Gearbox
Systema Magnum Motor FTW!!!
Phantom Ciras
RS CAA 6 Position Retractable Stock
S Arms M4 160rd Midcap Magazines
Magpul PTS Enhanced Trigger Guard
Magpul PTS MIAD Grip Kit
Magpul Ranger Plates
NcStar Mark III Advance Tactical Compact Scope