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Old April 14th, 2008, 17:18   #16
bbchiller's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
I was looking at buying a p226 KJW full metal within the next week or so and I was pretty sold until now. I love TM, my p90 has treated me great and I must have in excess of 10,000 rounds through it with no issues yet. If I was to buy a TM p226 (which I fully would do, specially if it has trades) are full metal bodies readily avail? I have been looking around and really other then in the states where everything is readily avail. I cant seem to find much... or is that somthing I will have to talk to a shop about custom ordering? also I was looking at SIGs website, ideally ide love to buy one straight from them if I could. even if it would be expensive. Anyone know if any Canadian retailers can get em? Or is that more of go to a gun shop like Le Baron and get them to order it for me?
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