I've got that exact same gun. I managed to put a Prime SCW
Grand Master slide on it with Prime Novak sights but there was
alot of grinding and swapping of little parts. I had to use a new
metal screw to hold the rear sight to the blow chamber via
That gun has a unique slide/sight set up, supported by stabalizing
metal inserts (hence the rattle sound). Unfortunately the blow
chamber has a hole for a screw to go right through, threading
into the rear sight. You'd be better off buying a new blow chamber
like the new aluminum ones by CP and going from there.
Novak or Bomar blow chamber $57 (optional)
SCW wingless Nozzle $15 (you can dremmel off R series wings)
Novak or Bomar Sights: $40 (Bomar screws sourced easier)
Metal Slide: $100+ (Shooter's Design reccomended)
Retired — Freedom 35