Thread: DOA 416
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Old March 12th, 2008, 12:52   #1
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DOA 416

I had a used VFC 416 turn up in the mail last week. It has a G&P Crane stock with the battery wired to the rear.

The battery appeared to be dead, and being in a very small town I had to send across the country for Deans connectors to wire it to the charger.

That battery appears to be charged now, but when it is connected there is nothing, no click, no whirr, not a thing. It shows live on a tester and when hooked up to another gizmo that runs on 9V it provides power.

I have more Deans on the way, so I can wire another battery up and in the meantime I don't want to start yanking stuff apart till I know what's gone on. The seller is sure that it was running when he shipped it, and he is talking to me about this.

Motor spins when removed and the mechbox came out with a minimum of BFI. No swarf or obvious chunks of metal raining down. It's off in the mail now as that's as much trial and error I want to apply to this issue.

Last edited by Danke; March 13th, 2008 at 22:16..
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