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Old March 4th, 2008, 14:53   #46
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Melville, Saskatchewan
Originally Posted by Zekk05 View Post
One thing I recall about the hospital is the lack of electricity. Sure, its fun to play in the dark, but also dangerous as hell, especially when theres stairwells and other fun things goin on. Before any large games are planned, I would seriously considering wiring the place back up, getting a generator , and having lights in the hallways. Sunlight can only light so much of the building and for only so many hours.

Other than that, Azathoth, if you think any airsofters from Canada go to play games in the USA, and visa versa, I would say that youre quite confused. Im sure a few have tried, and even fewwer succeeded, but I guarantee you it is Not a common thing. Driving two provinces over is worth the trip for facilities like this hospital and school!

Hey Zekk,

I wouldn't even think about playing in there without the lights put back in. In the problem, but at night, no. When the guys saw it the other day, they wanted to go get there guns and come back

They did play in the school with the lights shut off a lot of the time.
Counterfeit Combat
Melville, Saskatchewan

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