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Old October 2nd, 2007, 13:40   #47
Farmboy's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Trenton Area
Do the math bucko. $120000 for a basic inventory. No special orders.
And before you say that is exaggerated, talk to some Mfg. Lets just say I could buy a couple houses a year with what I spend on Distributor level pricing.

And before you tell me to "just go get a loan", you show me first the business plan that shows the 5 year projections that allow you to not only sell all those guns, but also maintain inventories, pay rent/mortage, storeage, taxes, that proves to the financer that selling guns is a feasible business here in Canada.
Oh and don't forget you have to be in business for two years before applying for a business loan/line of credit.
Official Merchant of War.

Exclusive Canadian Distributor for Blue Force Gear, Knights Armament, Rainier Arms, High Ground, Battle Comp, Multitasker and more!

One Shot Tactical Inc.

Last edited by Farmboy; October 2nd, 2007 at 13:43..
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