Originally Posted by madlz
anyone know where i can find the G&P kit? UN and WGC either dont have it or are out of stock.
Im thinking of getting a set of springs as renegade mentioned, the G&P if it can be found, otherwise no choice but to get only the creation slide & outer barrel (only thing in stock can't find the full kit including frame, anyone?), and a threaded outer barrel so i can put a silencer on the p226.
Sounds like a good game plan, and ya I hear u on the full kit, I am glad I "splurged" and got it haha, I shouldnt have, but I dont regret it at all, the difference and feel is just amazing

Im sure u can live with the slide and barrel for the time being, it will add a good realism and performance to the gun, silencers and neat for sure. Spring kit is a must tho, enhanced loading nozzel and piston lid are a good idea too for reliabilty.