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Old May 26th, 2007, 17:11   #10
Official ASC Bladesmith
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Location: Ottawa, Ont.
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I just got for 100% Deans when and where I can, smaller, more reliable. I've had well used large connectors fail on me twice, both times I noticed was right before I was about to shoot someone from close range (the lucky bastards!) And since soldering is one of my expertise areas, I never had a Deans fail on me. One thing that Max mentioned, you need to use a hot iron, with a dab of solder on the tip, to heat up the metal on the contact enough that the solder will melt when it touches the contact near the iron. I always tin the contacts first, then rub the iron around in the puddle to clear off as much gold as I can (gold is crappy when it comes to solder) and guarantee a good joint.
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