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Old April 19th, 2007, 16:58   #1
Captain Awesome
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Location: Greater Grande Prairie (greater than vancouver)
v2 trigger issue

ok... wtf! this is really starting to piss me off. a while ago, i broke that trigger post thing inside my mechbox... i fixed that. the other day i went to go use my rifle, and it doesnt seem to fire on auto. semi works perfect, however on auto, the trigger clicks (mechanically).

so i took it down, figured the post repair (screw in place) was too long and causing the issue. i wasnt sure how, but it was the only thing i had done since it last worked. so i cut it down, partially reassembled and no.... still no worky. so now im going through the trigger mechanism, the little cantalever that the exterior fire selector and the little spring connect to, i adjusted the position of that, now it seems as though the contacts are backwards... when i pull the trigger on semi, the motor spins freely, when i select auto, it spins once per pull, if anything, i still occassionally feel the click, its like something is outta place and doesnt talk about the trigger.

im takeing a break so i figured i would ask and see if someone else has had this problem/ symptoms. or if someone is seeing something im not doing.
Age verifier southern Alberta

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a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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