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Old March 14th, 2007, 01:07   #1
Hunter Killer
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Ottawa,Ont
A little help please. Information on Flecktarn plz

Is there any were in Canada or the US that has a selection of Flecktarn similier to

Cuase if im going with a milsim loadout im going as authentic as possible or my finiancial status in 3 years allowes.

so i added up shipping and all my stuff that i would like from and it turned out to be $1042.29

Thats an awfull lot of money if im heading towards a good education.
This does not include any thing else but flecktarn gear. Just the cost alone is intemidating.

The only army surplus store i know of here in Ottawa has squat in Flecktarn.
Just becuase of the cost im considering getting CADPAT or Woodland like suggested in my previous camo thread.

So any info on retailers that sell Flecktarn with resonable prices and have a good selection would be greatly appreaciated.

ps plz excuse my horrid spelling.
Military Memorabilia Collector and History Enthusiast
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