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Old December 3rd, 2006, 18:47   #42
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter View Post
Another stroke of billiance.

If you have been heavily involved in this sport then you may feel differently about the media. I noticed your sign-up date way before I gave any mention (hint) to it because I do realise that airsoft and it's players exist outside of this forum.

You do however seem to lack a general understanding of the sport and/or how non-players seem to view it ... meaning the general public.
Aha. So I lack both an insider's and an outsider's perspective. I suppose it's time I admit that I am actually from the Andromeda galaxy, here as a scout to procure your superior Earth little plastic-pellet shooting technology. On my world, our toy guns shoot small bits of pink sponge, which gets in the way of our virtual tough guy internet personas.

Here's what I see, from my neither-involved-nor-uninvolved perspective, which must be pretty unique. I see people getting all pissed off about when the media portrays them as dangerous paramilitary nuts. I see people getting pissed off when the media portrays them as completely harmless, slightly eccentric hobbyists. But I also see people steadfastly refusing to give any input on how the media portrays them, and then getting all in a snit about hypothetical situations involving soccer moms which they've effectively waived any possible influence over.

We don't have to seek out the media for attention. But they're there whether we like it or not. So either we can play ball and show them what airsoft's really like, or we can GUARANTEE that they see us as insular, secretive and dangerous.
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