Originally Posted by kos
People these days suck. Alot of the speedballers that are getting into airsoft are fucking assholes...
This is the kind of reaction this thread should not generate and the kind of reaction that was not so common back in the days but recently it seems to be a trend.
I can easily remember my first game ever which happened in December 2003 at our beloved Action Commando. It was my first encounter with a lot of the vets from Quebec and even some from Ontario which to this day I still don't get why he did this whole road trip to play at AC.
If you showed up with a positive attitude and you were being courteous everyone around was willing to help you or answer you questions. People need to be more relaxed about that and no one should feel that they have to be helped, if you're nice people will be willing to help if you're rude they won't.
I am honestly not too sure what I am babbling about but what I really am trying to say is that there's too much of a line right now between new players and old timers. We need to see that line fade away and it will take everyone's effort for that. It's to the vets to be more welcoming of the new players and to the new players to be aware that the vets have knowledge that they'll be willing to share if asked nicely. The whole argument about new players all being useless to the game and old timers always being mean to newer players need to stop.
Always keep in mind that this is a community and no matter what laws are working against us we can be our biggest problem.