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Old October 25th, 2006, 17:39   #14
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Montreal, QC
Originally Posted by seekah View Post
I have one, its the level 3 blah blah, perfect condition, I have the groin guard, and neck guard. Looking for the shoulder parts ect. Should I be worried that I have it? as in, can I get in trouble for owning it.
No, as Farmboy stated, there's no restrictions on owning/importing; the restriction is on exporting (American end), and that being said, it's not outright illegal to export.

Some armor is considered surplus or "expired" (armor is considered to have a five year life span). Units with blacked out serial numbers and recent dates, and/or new patterns (like ACU) were probably stolen out of stores, however. Not something YOU'll get in trouble for, either, more of a moral point. There was one case where the Marine Corp tracked down and "re-aquired" full IBA sets (vest and auxiliary parts) that had been stolen and sold off to civvies; you can Google that story up, it's well documented.
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