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Old September 19th, 2006, 21:11   #38
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: calgar
Gryphon "I've used a USP Compact in CQB as a BUG in the small of my back, but I found it took some abuse when I flattened up against a wall."

-It's not the gun you should be worried about. Backs are more precious and less durable than guns.

MadMax "I'm suspecting that pistol match organizers don't like the use of secondary pistols because of the transition time between guns when it's likely that a shooter will have two guns drawn."

-Not really, they're not baby-sitters and they don't let people in who'd require them. If you make the slightest safety violation, pointing the muzzle outside the zone by a degree, they'll end your turn. I'm getting into the sport ASICS (soon as I can hit shit). And they carea bout safety so much that it would be like farting during your wedding vows.

Greylocks "The actual reason is that you must NEVER let go of a gun that is technically unsafe in a range environment. For a handgun (pistol) to be considered safe, you must remove the magazine AND clear the chamber."

-Not really. The more safety rules you use, the better though. I'd go shooting with you, for sure, but in events like Cowboy Action you have to fire twin revolvers, then put them down and move laterally to the shotgun, then to the pistol-calibre carbine, in one event.

Spas-Tick22 I guess you were talking about games then, but there's a match called 'El Presidente' that might be relevant.
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