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Old September 19th, 2006, 19:02   #33
brently0725's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Mission, BC
I say once the guns mag is empty, either of gas or bb's, just friggin wing it at your opponent as hard as you can and make the stupidest face imaginable (sort of a constipated push crossed with a Rosanne Barr's laugh). If the gun don't whail buddy, your looks and laughing will knock them on their asses!!!

Or you can find some unsuspecting newbie and threaten them to reload it for you or else!!!

I love it man. I just friggin love it!!
-TM AK Beta Spetz -TM MP5 SD5 -TSD VSR10 -Ares G39C -A&K Tan Magpul Masad -We Tech M9 Tac Masterling -1Tornado Impacts
V2/3 Gun Doc and BA experience
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