MP7 Troubles...
Having a few problems with my MP7...
When using low-cap mag, I have never had a problem, and using a hi-cap mag I am usually fine; but over the last week or so the hi-cap mag has been giving me trouble. Today, I couldn't get the hi-cap to fire properly (feeding issues I think, possibly needed lube)- when shooting in full or semi.
I set the gun down, outside, and went to get some silicone oil and a rod to see of there was a jam... When I returned, the MP7 would not fire at all (full battery).
Pulling the trigger on full or semi would result in nothing, as if the battery were disconnected but physical safety was not engaged.
I figured cause to be the fuse, or loose wire. I first tried removing the battery for a bit, and then tried firing, with no luck. So I took the top rail off, revealing the fuse and location where power (to motor) connect to battery. I pushed down on the cables, which felt firmly seated, and moved the fuse slightly. Then put the battery back in, and took a shot on semi (dry fire) and was successful. After that, nothing more.
Tried the same procedure again and can't get it to fire.
Any suggestions?