Originally Posted by jtf2-phalanx
Originally Posted by ILLusion
Of course it's hard to install. You're installing an M160.
8-O You're joking right?!?! I have a helluva time just installing an M130. I swear to god, I'm going to irradiate my upper body so I can grow another arm to help install Systema springs. And yes, my spring guide shot across the room and back again with this spring. :lol:
Not kidding. That was the spring information he sent to me in a PM.
With the right tools and dexterity, it actually isn't too hard to install. I've successfully installed an M140 before without too much difficulty. Just have to have all your fingers on different parts of the gearbox, spring, spring guide, cylinder, tappet plate and sector gear to keep it all together as you reassemble it.
I've never successfully installed anything stronger than an M140 because nobody has been insane enough to come to me to try such an upgrade.
I think it's safe to say that if you're trying an upgrade like this and you're asking for help on how to do it... you REALLY shouldn't be doing it.
It's like my sister asking an online forum how to install a twin turbo and nitrous oxide into her Toyota Echo...