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Old August 24th, 2006, 09:45   #14
Lego Head
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Gatineau, that's right I'm in QUEBEC!
Hmmm, you know there is one thing that REALLY erk's me.

[QOUTE=swatt13]I use to use jt paintball goggles, but don’t. Paintball goggles are meant for paintball. Get tactical shooting glasses; they’re smaller, less goofy looking and less likely to fog. goggles always fog.[/QOUTE]

I wouldn't be advising new players into shooting "glasses" because A. Not all feilds let you use any kind of "glasses" and require goggles. B. New players ussually have all their money devoted to their gun and mags, so paintball goggles are perfect for new players. C. proper size fit of paintball goggles will help with the paintball goggles.

The best advice conserning the eye protection is to advise new players to ask the feild owners that they are most likely to play at. This is the best course of action and will save them money. If they go and buy paintball goggles they will be able to play just about anywhere. But if they go buy ballistic "glasses" there are lots of places that don't accept these because of insurance.

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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