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Old August 23rd, 2006, 00:13   #3
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: MB
That certainly is not a rehashed M41FS. For starters, the buttstock profile is new. That will be an attractive spare part option to those building G3-based rifles, not to mention looking sharp on that gun too. Secondly no one has ever produced a grip frame of that nature, that being a Navy-style G3 lower with numeric markings. Been waiting for that style to come out for a while, even if they're numerals instead of little boolitz.

The worst part about the gun is that it's a G&G, which means lots of zinc and probably sub-par internals. Their customer service may be fantastic but that doesn't build a better product. Nevertheless, someone let me know when that grip frame is available as a spare part!

EDIT: corrected some info after checking Jane's Infantry Weapons
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