Good stuff swatt, I think it will be helpful for those who read. Just a few little things to add. Though most of your info can apply to a lot of people, there are a few things that I don't think can because everyone has a different playing style. For example, someone who is careful with their shots will need less mags and fewer pouches than someone who empties an entire mag into an enemy.
Not everyone needs a flashlight from a tactical standpoint. It only takes one flash to temporarily blind an enemy so if you're near someone on your team who already has a flashlight, that will do in most cases (assuming everyone sticks together). It's handy to have, but not a must.
Maybe I'm just nitpicking. I think there's a lot of good info in there that will be helpful to people who take the time to search for it. Just suggesting to maybe not say people need a specific gear loadout or item (like kid said).
Again, Kudos!
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
-Mark Twain