Originally Posted by Gangstarr
Originally Posted by Amgoosen
Originally Posted by Gangstarr
Originally Posted by Greylocks
A Veteran shot you straight in the face? That's not a vet, that's a first class idiot.
you dont know anything about lucky shot?
If you think shooting somone in the face is a lucky shot your a fucking idiot and I wouldnt want to play anywhere near you.
u r a fucking proofter that u forgot it was a night game, and get more education and stop using the "F" word loser.
Man, no offence there Gangstarr but cool it. It seems like the only reason you come on here is to try to piss people off. I just finished reading a few of your other posts and they're all pretty damn negative and sarcastic. What's your deal?
Xbox Live - Janoskovich
Airsoft - There's nothing better than getting out in nature, away from everything you hate, and shooting at your best friend.