Thread: ICS or TM M16 ?
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Old June 15th, 2006, 18:18   #1
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Laval (Québec)
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ICS or TM M16 ?

Hi all,
I have read many M16a2 a3... on this forum and I conclued that it's a pretty good gun... but I have one question :

The TM one have barrel add an extra 180 for a solid barrel for a total of 615$ CAN
ICS says that their M16 don't have barrel wooble because it's it's good.....and it's full metal...all that for 50$ more.

But, I don't know.... I really want the ICS one because, well, no barrel wooble and full metal...but the low price is making me this price, can I have as reliability as other brands (like TM or G&G ???) know, it's sound suspect to me...

Is the ICS one is a cheap and crapy one ?? I'm asking that because reliability is pretty important for me (I want a gun that will endure son pain and will still work in 3 years...)

Anyway, thanks for your help.

NB : I'm not asking "what is the best M16 or blablabla", I know there is already plenty of threads on this - I've used the search button :-)
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