KWA glock 19 with metal slide
+ A workhorse. All KSC/KWA Glocks require little maintenance to perform, and are built to last.
+ Simple operation, easy to understand.
+ Metal slide is the sex.
+ Will withstand drops and bumps, with minor damage.
+ Low cost (290$ from Double Edge)
+ Uogrades are available, and it has a rail interface for lasers and lights.
+ Mags can be found anywhere. A-NY-WHERE.
+ Can take propane stock. In fact, you should almost exclusivly feed it propane.
- Trades are etched, not stamped.
- Front sight is not that secure, might fall off as with all KSC/KWA Glocks.
** Always check with the retailer if the gun has trades or not. I've heard that some KWA Glocks don't come with trades, but mine did. ***