No, I don't have the concern of my spring being partially compressed. If it compresses it a bit, I can't imagine it compressing it by more than half. You can hear how compressed it is. The shots usually alternate between full decompression and half-cocked. When either one fires, you can kind of hear how far back it wound from the momentum.
When I originally did this setup and chronied it, it hit an average of 315fps. That was 2 years ago (I think.) I just chronied it right now and it was shooting an average of 320fps with a high of 326. I can't explain the variance. It could be because I have a different chrony.
I will have another chrony in about 3 weeks that can also measure ROF. I can let you know what the ROF is at that time.
Yes, the main purpose of the double-torque up gears was to conserve battery power. Its secondary purpose was to slow down the ROF.
Originally Posted by JourneyMan
ILLUsion, do you have any problems with the spring being partially compressed all of the time, or do you have a neat trick for decompressing it? And is the reasoning behind the torque gears solely to increase your batt life?
I was wanting to keep my ROF around 900 RPM because that is the RS P90 has, but I would rather have the reduced responce time.
I was thinking that since the spring is the major force opposing the the motor/gear set, that if I massivly increased the torque of the motor/gear set it would be nothing for the motor/gearset to pull back the piston, thus giving me my reduced responce time. Guess that would increase ROF since I now have a reduced time for the clynder cycle, and thus I can have more cycles per minute.
I tried :sad: