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Old March 16th, 2006, 22:42   #19
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Originally Posted by Dracheous
Actually alot of my family on my dad side is in the states. I've two sorta close relatives in the American Army, one is an instructor at Top Gun Academy (flies a whicked F-16) and his brother is an instructor at the Sniper Academy ((I don't remember the name for this one? Anyone got that handy?)) Anyway, he was the one that was telling me that its against Geneva to use the Berret M82A1 because of the rounds destructive ability.

Now, I didn't really say that ALL .50 cal's were against Geneva, else those fun .50's mounted on Humvee's would be getting alot of people in some deep shit. And that itself blows away your "As long as its not automatic fire.

And like I said thats just what I was told, I didn't see it written down on some UN written report. But, because it was my cousin and his creditials, I beleived him with out question.

OH, and my referal to the .308 round wasn't trying to say because of the caliber, it was just the destructive power behind the round. Mind you, I guess the .50's would set a few holes in you too.
Thats why the M82 and the .50 MG are "Anti-Material" or "Air Defense" or "Anti-Vehicle" weapons by designation.... Use is a different matter...
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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