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Old February 26th, 2006, 00:41   #14
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Toronto, ON
Originally Posted by Dracheous
I actually have only tried that once... because I got REALLY pissed off at this ONE ****ER... I musta hit that tank with rockets 7 times but he had an engineer that stayed there under him... and they had a guy on the fifty and two more supports prone by the tank firing at anything... plus one other guy with a rocket... he missed me just BARELY as I drove in on the dune buggy... ...
I've a question... how the heck does the HUD work for the dead weight bombs on the aircraft work?... by the set up it has its like I'm using radar locks but they are dead weights, there should be a distance or some kind of computer controlled guidance system... like a red light that blinks when to pull the trigger when you get the icons on those tanks and vehicles that show up on the HUD
lol @ c4 m0nkeys , AT all the way! (its AT + sniper + assault all in one!)
As for the bombing reticle, its tricky:
where the rounded portion of the reticle meets the vertical line dictates where your bombs land if you are completely horizontal going at a normal speed and normal altitude.
I.E. if you fly in horizontal at a usual distance off the ground at average speed, your bombs will land where the curved part of the reticle meets the vertical line. Of course no one flies completely horizontal or at perfect altitude and speed, so for every run you'll have to compensate for pitch, altitude and speed (i.e. if you are travelling higher with your boosters on, you'll have to drop much earlier). Eventually you get the hang of it, especially with the bombers.

"And the Lord said unto John, 'Come forth and receive eternal life.' But John came fifth and won a toaster."
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