Thread: good hand gun
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Old January 31st, 2006, 17:51   #22
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
Originally Posted by Pollock
Personally, I think 16 is a good age to start airsofting on a private lot. I'm not even 16 yet, but I would consider myself a reasonably "mature" airsofter. As long as they keep it safe, then who cares what they do, or if they want to buy a gun.

Except of course for the whole fact that a person under 18 can not legally posses replica firearms.
I thought it was only illegal for someone under 18 to purchase a replica firearm (aka. more to the point of it being illegal for a retailer/store to sell an airgun to a minor). Possession may be entirely legal. I guess it's kinda like cigarettes, illegal for them to be sold to kids under 18, but if a kid 16 is caught with smokes on him, all he'd get would be a lecture. Will accept correcting on that.
the code says that every person commits an offense who is in possession of a prohibited device, except for a replica,

Persons may posses them.

People under 18 are not legaly "persons" they can only posses replicas under the direct supervision of their parent or legal guardian.
direct supervison is .. the parent or guardian is with the minor supervising them.

if caught with them.. a minor.. I mean their parent could be charged with a "cocktail" of criminal offenses. Improper use of a prohibited device, transfering a prohibited device, child endangerment, neglect,
and if convicted could serve up to 5 years.

I expect if parents knew this they would think twice about buying replicas for minors.
Works for me. Thanks Brian.

Davemire, Canadian Tire has two sizes of aluminum breifcase style cases, the small cheaper one is about $20, big enough to hold any handgun and a few mags/accessories. The larger one, you could put quite a few handguns in there plus toys. It costs about $30. It's roughly the same size as a normal briefcase, just thicker. Look in the toolbox section.
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