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Old December 25th, 2005, 22:55   #23
zero delay
Join Date: Jul 2002
Each of the "channels" has it's own freq and it's own dedicated button on the actual transmitter/controller, it has a telescoping attennna which to me looks very campy but in a way still cool, kinda serves to amp up the dramatic effect of triggering the unit when you extend the aerial, makes you feel kinda 007-ish ;-) The seperate channels allow you to activate/deactivate any device conected to that circuit, and has no effect on any of the other channels, but having said that, on the back of the reciver pack there is 4 female RCA receptacles, these accept the male jacks routed out from the mines to facilitate quick deployment, that RCA jack can accomodate a "Splitter" which will allow you to daisy chain two mines to one channel, so in theory, you could detonate two mines per channel, for a total of eight. Since each channel is independantly operated that would require pressing all four of the buttons simutaneously on the transmitter.

As for security frequency wise I think it uses a "rolling code" system so that other remotes are not able to activate another system's reciever relays. The RF units are enroute right now and I'll have a %100 confirmation on that within few days. I'll have to look thru the tech specs when they arrive and find out what Frequency they are transmitting on. I can't give you a accurate answer on that, I'd guesstimate that they will be transmitting in the 310MHz-434MHz range
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