I forgot to add that the RF units are capable of independantly triggering up to four mines jacked into the same master receiver pack. This allows some creative ambush configurations to be used. Additional mines will be available for anyone wishing to expand capbilities to suit the situation. These additional mines will be a fraction of the cost of the package, this will basically allow users to expand the system with out spending extra $ to purchase uneccessary additional electronics.
Since every mine comes will come with 3 triggering mechanisms as standard equipment (RF command detonator, tripwire mech, and pressure switch,) the user has many options in terms of deployment. Using a "L shaped" Ambush on a trail for an example, a tripwire could be strung across the path after a bend in the trial, as soon as the Point element is unfortunate enought to trip the initial mine, a second, (or even a third) mine concealed further down the trail is command detonated with the RF unit, basically decimating the rest of the oppostion traveling in the column. So the purchase of one package, and two mines enables the user to potentially field as many as three mines each employing a dfiffernt triggering mech or all daisy chained on the same circuit, the possibilities with these are massive to say the least.