Thread: STAR L85A2
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Old December 21st, 2005, 12:54   #8
Skruface's Avatar
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Originally Posted by nemesis_83
Metal? Plastic?
Steel body (not monkey metal), plastic foregrips.

Originally Posted by nemesis_83
How are the internals? I am pretty skeptical of this rifle, although it has metal bushings and steel gears it does have a plastic gearbox and a 100% spring. any modifications would most certainly make the gearbox explode from the loads.
The gun comes from the factory at almost 400 fps according to a thread on Arnie's, UK retailers had to downgrade it to sell it. And polycarbonate (what the STAR gearbox is made from) has a stronger tensile strength than the monkey metal of a stock TM mechbox....

Originally Posted by nemesis_83
If the gun is metal then I guess it would be worth buying if you plan to change out the internals, and even then it will end up being more expensive than a good AEG? isnt it around 500$ USD? How much did you end up paying in CAD?
Beats me why you would want to swap out the internals without ever having even handled the gun, but at most it will cost $200 to replace most of the gearbox internals if you choose to do so. Owning a relatively rare full-metal L85 is worth the extra cost IMHO, when the only semi-vaible alternative is the Academy version. Incidentally, I paid $670 CANADIAN from Grim Fandango here on ASC.

Originally Posted by nemesis_83
Anyway give us a good long review with pictures and all, take notes of the materials, quality of the seams, areas for improvement, perhaps this gun wouldnt be so bad once you swap a different mechbox in to it, but as said before $$$.
I'm confused...why do you automatically assume the internals need to be swapped out? Why do you automatically assume the gun is bad? All the reviews from the UK say it's one of the finest airsoft guns built so far, and that includes the newest TM series for comparison....
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Liberals rely on emotion. Conservatives rely on evidence, and the Socialists rely on everyone else.
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