Originally Posted by Juke16
Regarding the declining quality of players, one of the things that turns me off from playing is that it seems like there's always an argument between players every time I go out. Has anyone else noticed this?
On the flipside, everything's a LOT cheaper now.
This is what I dread. You're going to get your Gen Z'ers around now who think Call of Duty is real life and for whom honour is a foreign concept and cheating is a 'tactic.'
Sad because I doubt the youngest now even grasp the concept that this action hobby is more about recreation and getting the 'feel' that comes from playing all-day/night heavily-themed games and not 'winning' or being the best or whatever shit. I'll never forget those zombie themed all-nighters at FR Cambridge.
Also having another retro-realization: I've been on this forum/interested in airsoft for a little over half my life on this planet.