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Old December 26th, 2019, 23:48   #3
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Southern Alberta
Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
Your issue is very common with clone glock 18c's. The culprit is usually a result of worn parts and aftermarket parts involving the rear hammer sear and the bbu components.

The guarder components are going to place your hammer assembly and the BBU too close to each other because of the distance it sits on the rails for KJW models versus the TM models.

The best remedy is to switch back to TM spec parts including nozzle and the hammer. The spinny "disk" in the hammer sear and parts of the BBU are pressing very hard against each other and prevent itself from cycling.

This is very likely why the previous owners ditched them for $15 each.

Can you take a picture of the hammer assembly? Curious if they slapped in a g17 or a g18c hammer assembly because if it's the former you at least have a chance to fix it with filing.

tl;dr good luck filing down the bbu assuming it's not a g18c hammer assembly.
forsure, ill snap some internal pics tomorrow for you, appreciate the help
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