Originally Posted by MrDboy
Everything you wrote is nothing new to me but thank you very for at least trying to help. I didn't shim the gearbox simply because I wanted to use the gun stock for a bit as I usually do before shimming/upgrading. I've been playing airsoft for 5 years and had experience with about 8 guns now. A Cyma AK which still rock solid even after 3 years and the rust, I did upgrade it quite a bit. My LCT is a year and a half old, still works fine. I also bought a E&C M27 awhile ago, maybe 6-7 months old now, works fine too, just had to shim it. Krytac is the first letting me down, 3 months old and just a few games played with.
I think it like buying a reliable brand of automobile. One out of a thousand is a lemon.