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Old June 18th, 2019, 14:35   #46
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Based on your choices, I'd recommend the setups I've narrowed it down to after a few dozen guns and just about every platform:

1) AEG (outdoor)
TM NGRS (I have an hk417, but they're all glorious)
Contrary to a lot of stuff online, you don't really need a lot of upgrades if you don't need to cross the 370fps mark. They shoot very far, sound awesome, last forever, are built very well, have real trades and are overall very enjoyable with the empty mag stop feature, simulated recoil and 30/80rd switch magazines. Not the easiest to work on but you basically just need to do it once.
-Titan 7.4v Li-Ion battery and the necessary deans mod to bypass the crappy TM battery issues. The power you get from them is excellent and give really great trigger response. 11.1v can have a high enough rof in these guns to damage them due to the recoil system unless you're using a high fps spring.
-Eagle6 m110 spring
-5.9mm metal bushings (optional for what I hear up to m110 but you may as well)

2) GBBR (indoor/outdoor)
Best GBBR platform. Cerakote body with real trades, crazy accurate long range hopup OOTB, good magazines, basically no upgrades required. Been burned by VFC's poor designs, materials and internal construction before. GHK is pricier, uglier and requires some elbow grease to get working as well. WE is an old design that slowly eats itself but I liked mine a lot, MWS is just almost totally hands off and worry free.
-Angry Gun recoil weight is AWESOME in this gun. OOTB it has relatively weak but snappy recoil but with it, it's a real beast.
-Maple leaf hop bucking with their special I-key tensioner and crazy jet barrel gets very good results but you should play a bit with the stock setup to see if you even want to do it.

3) Pistol
TM G19/USP/HK45/FNX etc (anything from the last 2 years)
Leave it stock, love it forever. Marui has been releasing their pistols with the new 15mm piston head design and they kick like mules. I've got the USP9 and the newish US M9 (smaller piston but beautiful construction) and I love them both.
experienced toronto gun doctor, hundreds of guns serviced
manchovie gun doc thread!

my b/s rating
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