Thread: Mags?
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Old April 8th, 2018, 11:48   #13
Kozure's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: Toronto, ON
Originally Posted by HeadzorTailz View Post
Sweet thanks for the share I will be putting in an order soon as I can get some funds shuffled around for it. Do you have any idea what their shipping is like? I generally get my stuff from either heros or airsoft depot not big on online orders.
Glad to hear your hexmags are working for you nothing worse then feeling like you've wasted money on something to learn the hard way it doesn't work for you. I have had that issue with a few items myself now.
Evike shipping is top drawer. I think there's a good reason why they're the go-to source for a lot of people, who will even choose it over Canadian web-retailers.

That said, it's great that you're supporting Canadian stores; keep it up! My policy is to try to only buy from Evike (or other US sources) if I can't find it at a Canadian retailer.
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