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Old March 25th, 2018, 19:42   #1
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: North York / Scarborough
Jerry rigging a holster mount to rucksack belt

Hey everyone, I'm looking to mount a holster mount on my rucksack. Problem is there is no molle, so I'd have to jerry rig it. I'm looking to mount a safariland qls clone with a blackhawk omnivore holster on it. I have a blackhawk belt paddle, a blackhawk belt mount, and a blackhawk molle adaptor for mounts. If that is not possible I have a molle universal holster lying around.

The belt area measures 150mm long, 90mm high in the middle, 100mm high near body, 50mm high in the front before the curve, and 10mm thick. The strap sewn on the front can't have anything run through it. The model is a british army bergen rucksack according to who I bought it from. If possible I'd like to buy as little materials as possible, thanks!
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