February 4th, 2018, 10:55
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Longueuil, Québec
Originally Posted by Erebus115
Hi all
About 8 months ago I requested a G36 to be shipped into my local store. After waiting so long i just said screw it, went out and bought an AK74. The thing is, I want to make sure my kit is somewhat accurate and the only BDUs I've got are ATACS FG, Multicam Tropic and Flecktarn. I'm not too knowledgable on East Bloc camos. I kinda wanted to go with something a little obscure, I know a lot of countries used Aks or AK derivatives so I was thinking maybe something Hungarian, Polish, Croatian, Romanian, etc. Just something a little more unique than your standard Russian or OPFOR loadout you'd usually find wielding an AK. I wouldn't mind going for an asian kit (Cambodia, Vietnam, China, etc). Problem is, I know nothing about the kind of BDUs that these guys run. Anybody have any recommendations for this kind of loadout (that would also be available in Canada)?
There are Russian spetsnaz and reconnaissance units that run Atacs. They're known as ataka in Russian.