I have had a g36, a sig 552, a p90, and an aug. I just went back to the p90 and I dont regret it. It is more accurate than any of my other guns with the exseption of the aug MAYBE, and it had a tightbore m16 barrel. The sig was pretty accurate as well but that was after I put 200 worth of upgrades into it. My p90 has metal bushings and a sp100 and I get 150ft shots at little brother sized targets almost everytime.
At 90 ft I hit a 500 ml bottle of water in one shot.
I am very happy with it.
But you might be happier with a g36 it is up to you.
Oh and skru, the mags are awesome. Way the shit better than dinky m4 mags. With p90 lows you get your moneys worth. I feels like so much mag for your money.
They are not that hard to load meh.. I guess I just like aegs that perform really well.

Paying also sufficent attention to third personell.