There are many types of IFAK pouches on the market. If you really want one on your kit, I would recommend a rip away first aid kit. In reality what I use is a Woodland USGI canteen pouch filled with a ziplock bag of medical supplies. It is a bit less organized than a dedicated med pouch however you can fit more first aid equipment, it is waterproof when combined with a ziplock bag, and it is lighter in weight in comparison to other first aid pouches.
You may want to consider not bringing one on the field to save weight. If it is a short game with field staff around an IFAK may not be needed. If you want to bring one consider adding equipment that you have experience with and are qualified to use. In most circumstances at tourniquet is unecessary, if everyone is flinging BB's at eachother.
Current Airsoft Guns:
TM Glock 18 "Upgraded"
AGM M4A1 GBBR "Upgraded"
King Arms M4A1 GBBR